So Akira has a number of white girls who he taught in university exchange program in Sapporo who are just obsessed with him. Let me tell y'all something nothing annoys me more then people with yellow fever, or jungle fever, or a sexual fetish due to someone's ethincity. I think it's insulting for the person being hunted, and moronic for the person hunting. I have zero respect for these kinds of people because they mainly focus on a persons outside and make up this whole fantasy in their heads while not even paying attention to who the person truly is. It's mean and very unfair and not in any way healthy. Anytime I get emails asking for help on getting a Japanese man I told them I don't mind giving advice on finding a good guy but I will not try to set anyone up with a Japanese man because that's their preface. There are almost 7 billion people in the world, it's very unfair and very unlikely that your match will be in an ethinic group to your choosing. I never dreamed of ever being with Akira....and I always forget he's Japanese because as a person he just rocks my world.
Anyhow, akira has a stalker from Canada who he tutored and hung out with briefly, even YEARS ago. He hasn't talked to her in over a year inspire the fact that she messages him at least once a month. She even came down here for a week trying to get him when he said no. So anyhow she found out he got engaged with me and messages him and I just finally called her. I told her that I've been living with him for over a year and we are going to Japan and marrying in two weeks and what was her deal with akira. So she goes on to talk about him.....she didn't know anything about him! Not a single detail all she did was go on about how nice he was for a Japanese guy and that must be due to him being partically raised in the states and I told her no that's not the case akira is full out Japanese, he just speaks perfect English and is good at conforming somewhat to American behaviors but in no shape or form is he anything like an American man. Then I jumped all over her for stalking him, for being "in love" with someone she didn't have a clue about, and for basically hurting him and bothering him. And I gave her her closure, I told her I was sorry our relationship was hurting her but that I think she only likes akira because he's Japanese and because he was her teacher and because she's obsessed with the Japanese so that she must have yellow fever. Then I told her that the reason why akira and I work is because my father is from Asia and that it's creepy how similar husband and wife relationships are in iran and Japan because if I was American with akira we would have never made it. He's with me because I'm a eastern woman who, just like him, knows how to behave and communicate in the western ways.
So yeah when I told akira all this he was like wow she and I never even dated and she's so obsessed and I told him I didn't blame her, but that it made me mad that she was mad at him due to nothing akira but just off the simple fact that she has no clue who akira is and never had any interest to know him and just saw him as the fixture just because he's Japanese.
So you people with ethinic fevers, please get over yourselves. There's way too many different people in this world to be just hung up on one race, you should be hung up on a type of person that would be best matched for your personality instead so your partner will be your best friend, not just something that gets you off during a fuck.
With tht said, my boobs are growing! I went up one cup size despite my diet. Akira told me he hopes I'm pregnant, but I know better, I think I'm just a late bloomer, but since I was 25 I've gone up two cup sizes, so now I'm finally a C! I went and got new bras two days ago to lift my little ones up and last night when I served akira dinner and he stood up and looked at me and he was like shit you're gorgeous! Are you leaning over the table on purpose?! And I wasn't I was just setting our litttle floor table and I didn't want to kneel so I have to lean....but.... Mission accomplished!
Got rid of a stalker, and figured out what to squeeze my growing lovelies in to where it doesn't make me look like a hooker.
I love akira! He woke up this morning and he was like, how did I get so lucky to have younfornthe rest of my life... <3
Sappy sap posting, sorry guys.
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