Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Worried Sick

Well...I'm on antibiotics and doing a bit better.  I'm at work today...which saves me from boredom.  I'm still in a great deal of discomfort...but I can't stay at home and sit there...being a worry wart.

Akira came with me to the emergency care, got off on time from work actually...worried as he could be.  We then went to Tokyo Table and he pulled out a few magazines on Japan and started showing me his plans for our little road trip. 

All of it was very endearing and very sweet, he was just extremely worried and was trying his best to calm me down.  We had a much needed make out session at dinner...I would have perferred sex, but since I'm sick...I'm out of order unitl Sunday, and Akira is so worried about me I doubt he'll do anything more then feather like touches just so he won't bruise me, looool. 

He was so mad that I worried myself sick.  But I always do that, anything major, I get so worried that I can't sleep or eat and well...I just get super sick.  It's because I'm so bored on weekends now because he works 14 days before he has a weekday my weekends end up with me and a bottle of wine, either cleaning, seeing the girls, hanging out with mom, or reading....but's just been me, wine, some cigs, and the dread of failure in the Japan trip.  I'm not worried about anything except what his family will think of me...I think my past experinces with meeting my other half's families has scarred me.

I've never been really liked...especially by the I've been dreading it...  I am dreading it.  But I can't think about it anymore, I have to get better so moving forward.

I am just going to focus on the small packing and gifts...and think about it all later.  Much later....perferably after it's all over with.

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