Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Next Trip to Japan

So... Akira and I have made peace.  Mainly because we refuse to talk about it all and while he waited for me to get over it, I waited for the prozac to kick...and it has.  It's nice to live anxiety free once more. I have more energy I'm cleaning and cooking again and working better once more...

I think I've been depressed ever since Japan.  Akira and I certainly haven't been the same since Japan.  I think I was extremely disappointed in myself for being so unprepared for his home...but one of the duties of being a wife to a Japanese man is that there will be many many trips to Japan.  Our next trip was made yesterday, for the first week in May.  I'm a little sad because that means I will most likely miss the cherry of my goals in life to see...but we will be going to see Akira's oldest sister get married.  So that should be pretty entertaining actually.

I'm amazed with Asia's weddings and how they stage Western aspects in it.  To be honest, most wedding pictures it's very hard for me to not laugh over, but I'm extremely interested in his sister's wedding because she grew up in the States, so I have a feeling her wedding might actually make sense.

I am also very very happy to get another chance to go to Japan and actually know what to expect.  This means that perhaps I can have a much better experience of the place since my first trip was so shocking.  I guess I'm thinking more and more about this because Akira has started to by Japanese fairy tale books for our futrure children and it occurred to me that I really needed to pay more attention because my children are going to Japanese as well as American.

So...still no sex.  But life is improving.

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