Sunday, February 17, 2013

Nothing exciting to report

Well my lack of posting is due to the fact that not much has been going on.  We filled out the green card paperwork.  On my side it required five years of my information like where I've lived, worked and taxes.  It was pretty straight forward.  We have to take pictures for the submission and akira has to under go another medical exam.  So far the cost is $1500, which is a shock to me...but I've heard that once its all done and over with the cost will go up to about $7000.  Luckily akira's company is taking care of the rest.  We are lucky in that respect, they also hired a lawyer for us to speed up the process.

Still trying to lose weight..the first few pounds came off easy but now it's slow going but still going.  Akira has lost weight too because our dinners are extremely healthy now.  I'm sure his family will be pleased :).

I have also decided to stop working for my father soon.  I had a major fight with him Friday because I found out he stole money from me...and akira says he's the reason why my self esteem is so low and that while he's still my father it's best to put space between us because he's been hurting me so much. That's very true and very sad...but typical of a middle eastern man sadly.  Women aren't worth much in my Father's world and I just have to come to peace with that.

My mother got a new job and is doing well, I'm so happy for her <3.  My little brother also had money stolen from my father and is moving and leaving the company as well.  I've been working for the company for seven years now and it's sad that I'll have to start all over but akira is so supportive <3.

I really haven't had much support from my girls...but I also understand everyone is busy with their own lives and now that I'm the only married one in the group my interest have changed a little bit.  It's kind of sad but I guess that's what happens.

I decided against plastic surgery.  I'm harassed enough as it is...

Other than Japanese classes start march 2.  So... That's about it.

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