Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Well....we got a cat...that I swear looks and acts just like a boy Luna.

So...we have a tiny dog and a tiny cat...that makes our apartment...seem tiny...hahaha, but very active.

Akira is on cloud nine.  He is soooooooooooo happy.

It's nice that anytime I need to change his mood, I just dangle something cute in front of him.  It's so funny cause everytime I do it I laugh and make fun of how Japanese he is...all in good fun though.

Our sex life has gone down a bit due to the bed sharing with the animals...so I moved the cat (Ramen...cause it's also the name of a Persian King and means joyful in farsi...and Akira thinks the name is extremely entertaining because we both say it with different accents) out of the bedroom, but Buddy is just too much of a crier to do that, plus he sleeps all night on top of our pillows...so...I just keep him out til the deed is done and then bring him back in...

The cat though....attacks.  So...he won't be sleeping in our room until he learns to behave while we are misbehaving.

Anyhow, we went most of the weekend without it, so I jumped Akira this morning after failing to seduce him last night because he was in the cute trace of the cat and the catnip bubbles he was blowing for the cat to pop.

I have to figure out a way to solve this problem...

Rely for Life was okay, I got sand in my eyes, so I was literally blind all night long, so Akira walked me around the track a few times until we finally my eyes finally were able to open because the puffiness went down.

It freaked me out some...but my eyes are so grasshopper like, that I felt stupid for not preparing for sand to get in them.  Last year I wore sunglasses.  Lesson learned.  Stacy, the sweet blond, was amazing as always, she was team captin and was pretty adorable the entire time.  I still can't believe Akira never went for her, if I were a man, I'd marry her.  LOL!  She's just soooooooooo happy and soooo sweet that you can't help for adore her. 

Other than that, this weekend was full of vet visits and saving Ramen at the shelter (we got him half off because he was about to take the long walk...so I love him...I'm so happy we got him.)  Buddy, our yorkipoo...thinks Ramen is the greatest toy we ever got him...though Ramen has finally made it clear that he isn't a toy and this resulted in Buddy actually crying about it in our room.  It feels like I'm a mom to some degree but they do make the home more loving.  They are both very sweet, and I have to admit, when I have Akira, Buddy and Ramen all snuggled up to me, I feel pretty damn happy.

They have seperation anxity though...looooool.  Ramen even hops in the shower with me dispite his hate towards water, he'll suck it up and meow as I rush to get out.  LOL!!! All three of them, they just hop in the shower whenever I'm in there.  I haven't had the chance to take a bath in two weeks.  I'm going to try to sneak one in tonight.

But I'm really happy.  Cuteness everything.  Thank you God.

And it's Ramadan!!!! 


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