Well I have successfully experienced wedding drama. My father is the biggest liar known to man. He had promised to buy my wedding dress along with all that goes along with it...but yesterday morning he demanded the money back via speaker phone with my stepmother calling me a thief when my father handed me his credit card card three days ago and told me to get a real gown...which I did. Here's the kicker, my mother actually paid for the gown, the only thing that I charged on my Father's card were the veils, the hair clip and a backless bra.
He hasn't paid for a thing, my mother, myself, and Akira have paid for everything else in this vastly thrown together event.
So for the past 30 hours or so I have been in tears because not only is my father a liar and successfully made me out as a thief to my step mother who hates me btw, but he has tainted my veils...and the very image of him giving me away at the alter. He has also refused to show up.
The wedding is this Tuesday....
On top of that, no one has stood up to defend me and Akira, when I asked him to confront my father, got mad at me.
So there goes any kind of dream of a decent wedding...or a wedding period.
There also goes my relationship with my father.
The dress is beautiful btw...it's by Sue Wong...and I got it 60% off at Nordstrom, and I squeezed into it which is a miracle considering its a size 0.
I'm just heartbroken.
And comfort food is out of the question due to the fact that I'm doing a liquid fast just to fit into the damn beautiful thing.
Also, none of my girlfriends have offered to do anything special for me...it's just been horrible.
So sad....
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