I know a do a lot of bashing on here...so I figured, in light of having a horrible hang over...to post some pleasant things.
I've dated a lot of different races, and I can be very honest when I say, Akira is the best guy I've ever met. He's naive...so he'll do and say stuff that most normal, sane men wouldn't dream of...but...that's just him.
He takes very good care of me. Pays for everything (I'm trying to get him to let me help out now that I got a slight raise), is very progressive as well as very productive, and when it comes down to it, he's my best friend.
I'm a hard person to be friends with because I have quite the temper...as I'm sure yall have figured out by now...which has actually eased up since being with Akira.
He's calmed me down A LOT. Sometimes I worry about that, but over all, I'm much happier then I was before having him in my life. Our love life is amazing.
We laugh a lot. A whole lot, at least once a day we have a good laugh. I'm sure tonight we will laugh about what a complete nut I was and how clueless he was yesterday.
We cuddle a lot.
And well...past all the bitching I do...I'm pretty lucky and pretty happy. I just try to vent out in here to spare him...and most of the time it works.
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